Hyperborean Warrior Adepts


Warrior Work in the World Today




Abode of the Lion







About These Pages


These pages are designed to be a resource for the Spiritual Warrior working in the world today, and those who wish to be.  Although there is plenty of instructive material, it is not specifically constructed as a training manual or warriorship course.  The material is certainly not organized in a step by step fashion.  Rather, material is presented as blocks of information.  It is up to the reader to integrate these various strands into their own cohesive whole.  It is up to the reader to decide what is useful to them and what is not.


Not everything is fully explained.  Some things are left for the reader to figure out.  There is no better way to learn than by trying to figure things out.  You may not get it - but you will get something better - ideas and techniques of your own.  And these will be more powerful than anything that is handed to you.


There is no right or wrong way to be a Spiritual Warrior.  We are all individuals - warriors particularly so.  It is a path that comes from the heart.  However you apply yourself to your Path, make sure your Path is a Path with Heart.  Simply take what is useful to you from these pages.  Follow your heart.


Note: Much of the Abode of the Lion website material - the Hero's Journey in particular - is geared toward the male warrior.  This is because Ardane Steward only writes about what he has experienced first-hand.  Ardane leaves it to the woman warriors to provide guidance in the area of the female warrior-psyche and to know best in this area. 


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The following is a brief synopsis of what we do and why we do it.  I hope that these pages will inspire others to similar actions, as well being a resource to existing Spiritual Warriors.




Hyperborean Warrior Adepts

Abode of the Lion


Abode of the Lion is a Warrior House of the Hyperborean Tradition.  It is a society of Warrior-Monks dedicated to self-improvement and fighting prowess.  We believe in Ethics, Integrity, and Justice as the path to spiritual regeneration.  Our Tradition is a "magical" one in that we wield the potent Spirit-Medicine called VRIL.  Vril is a volatile and explosive spiritual force, and many years are required to prove ones integrity before it fully bestows itself upon a Hyperborean Warrior-Adept.  Indeed, it is the Vril itself that ultimately initiates the Warrior-Adept as an Adept.


The Hyperborean Tradition is an energy-tradition of the far North - the land of the glittering Northern Stars and the mysterious Northern Lights.  Hyperborean "magic" is the mysterious Vrilya current that flows from the deep North through the soul and spirit of the Warrior-Adept.  Inner Monk-work and Warrior Saredwa are all within the Vrilya current of the North.  The  Hyperborean Warrior-Adept wields the Vril in all his deeds.  It becomes like the breath he breaths.


The outer mission of the Abode of the Lion Warrior House involves the Warrior-Work of fighting darkness through spiritual (astral) combat.  Our inner mission is the Monk-Work of spiritual regeneration through self-awareness and self-improvement. 



Hyperborean Warrior Spirit


All Warrior-Adepts have a powerful Medicine-Spirit.  That is how (and why) they are chosen for special Vril training.  Somewhere deep inside they have decided to fight back against the dark forces that are having their way with humanity like they were slaves or cattle.  Somewhere inside a flame has been kindled.  Somewhere inside they have decided to fight back on their own behalf - and on the behalf of humanity.


A Warrior-Adept believes that there is nothing stronger than the awakened Spirit of all living things - be it a bear, a person, or a mouse.  We believe - and have proved time and time again - that the Medicine-Spirit of even the least of the Great Spirit's creatures is stronger than any dark force. 


Warriors, however, do not believe in "power" as a goal - in itself it is a dishonorable objective.  Warrior-Adepts believe solely in the virtue of their Medicine-Spirit, and that even the smallest of Spirits is greater than the mightiest foe darkness can conjure up.  There is nothing darkness fears more than the awakened Spirit, no matter how small.


We follow the ever-unfolding Sacred Way, the mysterious Awderas that flows between the warp and weft, the vor and vril, of this our world.  We draw life from life itself.



Hyperborean Warrior Practices


Hyperborean Warrior-Adepts build personal Vril-Power through special exercises that resemble something of a cross between Qi Gong and Sword Kata.  We call each special Sword exercise a Saredwa. Some Saredwa build power, some increase vitality, and others open the doors to deep trance states. 


Hyperborean Warrior-Adepts are trained to leave their physical bodies and travel as spirits in what we call the Luminous Body.  In this form we are beings of almost pure Vril, and capable of powerful action against any dark entity. 



Hyperborean Warrior Foes


There are many dark forces in the world today.  The Brotherhood of the Snake is the worst of the lot, and all Hyperborean Warriors are vowed to fight it wherever it is found.  (There is actually no specific group called "Brotherhood of the Snake" - we simply use the term to refer collectively to those dark entities that seek to harm mankind physically and spiritually.)


There are many unseen entities that seek to live off the life-force and vitality of humankind.  They are often referred to by Astral Warriors as ghouls or litches.  These beings - some of which were once people - live off the life-force of living people, sucking them dry.  Their activities kill children and they weaken adults, stealing their happiness and natural life-joy.  In so doing they leave nothing but depression, sickness, and suicide in their wake.  An outbreak of asthma among children in a neighborhood is often a sign of their activity in an area. 


Sadly, there are some adults that have given themselves over to these beings in hopes of being rewarded with power.  It is a fools choice, and it will destroy them in the end.



Hyperborean Warrior-Adepts in Astral Combat


Hyperborean Warriors are dedicated to combating ghouls and litches - and those fallen souls that would side with them - wherever they are found.  Using our deep-trance teachings, a Hyperborean Warrior enters the astral realms in the Luminous Body, and tracks down the litch or ghoul and confronts it in combat.  Astral combat is swift and deadly.  Either the Warrior-Adept fragments the ghoul's coherence (thus destroying it), or is slammed out of the astral in a wounded condition.  At the very least, a combat gone awry can result in being laid up in a state of debilitating exhaustion for quite some time.


A Hyperborean Warrior-Adept typically uses a sword or crystal weapon, but the virtue is not in the astral-replica of the object, but in the Spirit and Vril-Power that the Warrior-Adept brings to bear upon the coherence of the enemy.  It is like voltage and batteries.  The warrior in the astral is like an energy battery.  The higher the voltage and the larger the amount stored, the greater impact the warrior has in battle.  Often the contest goes to the combatant with the greatest voltage and energy reserves.  That is why Vril  generating Sword Saredwa exercises are so vital to the Warrior-Adept.  The warrior with the biggest energy wins.



Hyperborean Warrior Wisdom


Hyperborean Warriors are not just Warriors, but Warrior-Monks.  We seek wisdom through inner contemplation and self-discipline.  We each follow the unique unfolding of the Sacred Way in our lives - in its own way and in its own time.  To understand the Sacred Way is to understand the Tao. 


Warriors generally consider that there is indeed a Great Goodness at the center of the universe, a goodness that radiates out throughout all the dimensions and realms of creation.  This Goodness does not seek us out.  It is for us to find it and align our deepest selves with its nature.  It is both everywhere and nowhere at the same time.  It is everywhere and in all things when we chose to see it.  It is nowhere when we have closed our natures to it.  It is the Awderas that breathes Ahvouha into the world - and into all things in the world.  It is the breath, and it is life, and the gate is in the heart.


There is, however, no formalized wisdom belief within Abode of the Lion.  All Warrior-Adepts are expected to seek their own wisdom in their own way.













Copyright © 1999 - 2015 by Ardane Steward

